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Commercial Landscape Design: Enhance Guest Experience

At DIY Landscape Supply, in Salt Lake City, we understand how much guest experience matters.

When people visit a hotel, restaurant, or any business, chances are they’re going to have an opinion about the place. Whether those opinions are negative or positive, they make an impact.

40% of consumers won’t purchase from businesses with many negative reviews. And great reviews matter too, as 50% of consumers need to see a four-star review before supporting a business.

As much as interior design, cleanliness, and customer service are essential to any successful business, landscaping is too!

Phenomenal, well-kempt landscaping is not something easily forgotten, and if you want to impress your guests with lavish landscaping, here are a few designs.

How to Improve Your Commercial Landscape Design

Landscape Lighting

Incorporating proper landscaping lighting into your organization’s property offers various benefits for your businesses and its consumers.

Landscape lighting highlights the most attractive architectural features of your property, such as water features or stunning ornate pillars. And this will also add more light around the areas of your business to help guests navigate around your outdoor space and avoid falling or tripping.

Your guests will also feel safer and comfortable with landscape lighting, as there will be fewer places for intruders or animals to hide.

Multiple Seating Areas

Common areas establish a sense of community amongst guests. Including this feature will encourage your guests to interact over lunch or sit back and enjoy their favorite novel. These elements will enhance your guests’ experience with your company.

You can include seating areas like patios or benches to make guests feel more comfortable and welcome, encouraging them to return to your business.

Give Your Guests a Memorable Experience

Forget cutting corners to boost your profit margin and make long-term investments such as landscaping to improve your guests’ experience with your business.

Using our two recommended elements-landscaping lighting and communal seating, you can develop loyal customers by giving your guests a reason to return.

Exceed your client’s expectations and beyond through landscaping.


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