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5 Easy steps towards the luscious lawn of your dreams

Are you raring to get your lawn ready to be beautiful and green?  Fed up of having a bare, thin, and patchy lawn? Want to be the envy of all your Salt Lake City neighbors by having a luscious and gorgeous lawn?

Everyone wants a lawn to be proud of and it is not as difficult as it appears. Follow these 5 easy steps to get the lawn you’ve always dreamed of.

1. Clean up

It is that time of the year for spring cleaning! You spring clean the inside of your house so why should your lawn be left out? Get ready for the mowing and growing season by getting your lawn clean and prepared.

Grab your lawn rake and get moving. Rake the lawn to remove all the dead grass and those pesky grassy weeds like crabgrass, goose grass and barnyard grass.

These types of grasses are annual weeds and as they are drought tolerant, they can stick around all summer until the frosts arrive. If you want a lovely lawn, you’ll need to get rid of these pests first!

Pick up all those sticks and debris that have accumulated on your lawn through the winter.

 Your lawn needs to be clear and tidy before you can start mowing and debris left on your grass can not only damage your mower, they can stop your grass growing properly.

2. Mow High

You have finished your lawn spring clean, it’s time to starting mowing!

The debris is gone, the weeds and dead grass are raked and now you can start mowing.

Before you start, check that your mower is set to the highest possible setting for your grass type and your mower blades are sharp.

Your grass needs deep, healthy roots to grow properly, mowing high helps to develop these and having sharp blades helps your grass to hold in the moisture which improves growth.

The deeper your grass roots, the less likely you are to have weeds. The grass roots will spread leaving little room for the weeds to develop and ruin your lovely lawn. So always mow as high as possible.

3. Fertilize your lawn

Throughout winter your lawn has been dormant and needs a little help to wake up and begin thriving.  Once you have finished your spring cleaning and mowed high, you can begin feeding your lawn.

You should feed your lawn twice in the spring with the first feed should in early spring.

This feed will nourish and strengthen your lawn, allowing it to grab on to all those nutrients and start developing those all-important deep roots.

Two months after, complete your second lawn feed. This second feed will improve the thickness of your lawn and help to protect it from weather related stress.

 Springtime has varied weather so it’s essential that your lawn has enough nutrients and protection to battle its way through unsettled and sometimes difficult weather that may damage unfed grass.

4. Remove the weeds

Weeds can have a huge impact on the quality of your lawn. Not only do they look unsightly, they can affect the way your lawn grows.

Find a reputable and effective spot treatment and spray the weeds. If you begin pulling weeds out by hand, it can damage your lawn roots and unearth dormant weed seeds, which will then encourage more weed growth.

Spot treatment saves you time in the long run and takes out the tedious task of hand weeding an entire lawn.

5. Patch and Thicken!

Over winter you might have found that parts of your lawn have become damaged and bare. It is normal if a little irritating.

Bare spots should not stop you having that gorgeous lawn though, and they are easy enough to repair.

Repair should begin in early spring if you are sowing cool-season grass, and late spring for warm-season grass. Sow the seeds and let your grass grow thick and healthy.

If you do not have bare spots but your lawn is looking a little thin and worn, over seed the areas with a high-quality grass seed and remember to fertilize and mow high.

There you have it! 5 Easy steps to take in spring, so your lawn is growing thick, luscious, and healthy by the summer. 

Preparation is the key to success when it comes to having a beautiful lawn that your neighbors will envy. Start with a good foundation by following the steps above and by the summer your lawn will be ready to go.


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